Meet Robbie Owens-Russo.
The guy behind Insight's men's line. He lives how i've lived, and how i aspire to dwell again come Fall......"in a little house with a tropical backyard" Only this guy's from South Bondi in Australia instead of the Hawaiian Island. Two kids and smokin wife- this guy is livin the life.
He got his start with the label in the Art Department, and then evolved into the Lead Men's Designer-as i know all too well means wearing about 14 different hats all at the same time.
Men's labels always intrigue me cuz it's a harder market, so i like to see how it's done on the other side of the coin. Insight is one of my favorite brands because of it's deep surf roots, and the i don't give a fuck attitude that they appropriately dish out in just the right doses. Robbie's workspace is all you need: a total mess, with lots of sunshine and his pistachio-green fish precariously balanced in a bin next to his desk. I too keep my lime green fish teetering atop folders, old promo-cards and other such tee shirt samples next to my own desk.
This guy is not only a kick ass designer, mentor to his team, and creative free-spirit, he's also a soul surfer. He found surfing in 1999 - the same year i did, when i moved to Maui. I love that he states the firm connection to inspiration, and being in the water. "every second is different, every wave is approached differently - but with the same formula i've picked up from years of experience" He goes on to say that he carries this philosophy over into his creative process. YES. Proof, that i'm on the right track, that i'm not the only one that is effected in this way.
I totally get it, man.